Do We Have a Communication Silo?
I’m betting you do—but don’t just take my word for it.
The American Management Association’s survey on internal collaboration indicates 83% of businesses have silos.
Plus 97% of participants said these “had a negative effect on their organizations, leading to turf wars, power struggles, and personality conflicts, all of which translated into lack of cooperation and poorer performance.”
In my experience, silos appear in three places.
In Your Team
Your people just care about their area. They’ve lost sight of your organization’s big picture goals so can’t help to get there.
In Your Organization
Your people won’t talk to employees in other departments or divisions. This decreases efficiency and damages the culture.
In Your Mind
They way your brain works can handicap your communications. Sometimes you can’t connect with and lead your people as well as you’d like.
What’s Next?
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