by Franklin Wordsmith | Jun 15, 2016 | Persuasion
I read Cold Calling Techniques that Really Work by Stephan Schiffman. Then I created a script to contact a potential client who had been referred to me. After taking a few deep breaths, I plunged in and dialed the number. Here’s what happened — and what I...
by Franklin Wordsmith | Apr 12, 2016 | Persuasion
They’re wrong when they say public speaking is the #1 fear of business people. I know it’s going to a networking event and hearing someone ask, “What do you do?”Oh the blather and drivel that comes out of our mouths! Here’s what to do about it.Of course you know what...
by Franklin Wordsmith | May 12, 2015 | Persuasion
I could not have written this newsletter about our prior dog, Moe. We decided if he could say one thing, it would be, “Give me something!”As you can see from his picture, Ralph is pretty Zen for a wire fox terrier. That doesn’t mean he isn’t focused, as you’re...