by Franklin Wordsmith | Mar 7, 2019 | Leadership
Two weeks ago, I talked about the world’s best customer experience, delivered to me by a total stranger.This week’s story is about the most demeaning customer experience. The irony is that it happened with someone I’d worked closely with for over a...
by Franklin Wordsmith | Oct 11, 2016 | Persuasion
Too many times we treat our websites like a bad relationship. “Something is better than nothing,” we say, and promise ourselves we’ll make them better later. Then we ignore them. And we’re shocked that they’re saying bad things about us behind our backs to everyone...
by Franklin Wordsmith | May 12, 2015 | Persuasion
I could not have written this newsletter about our prior dog, Moe. We decided if he could say one thing, it would be, “Give me something!”As you can see from his picture, Ralph is pretty Zen for a wire fox terrier. That doesn’t mean he isn’t focused, as you’re...