Stop Being a Narrator!

We’ve all heard someone tell a story that included, “Then I did this … and then this happened … and next we …”Depending upon the situation, we stifled our yawns and controlled our eye rolls – or didn’t.Read this: so you’ll never do that again!Chances are good that at...

Stories Aren't Just for OTHER People!

I’ve been very focused on helping leaders tell good stories to clients and employees.It occurred to me in the wee hours today that I’ve missed an audience that’s just as important. It’s about the stories we all tell ourselves.I’ve never subscribed to...

Greeks, Shakespeare, a German and Stories

As you can tell, I’m on a business storytelling binge lately. Here’s the next useful idea for you.Bless the people who do research and then share what they discover, so we can use it in a practical way!This week’s shout-out goes to Gustav Freytag, a German poet and...