Was Aristotle Wrong about Storytelling?

My college creative writing professor, author Dr. Jonis Agee, agreed with Aristotle.In Poetics, the Greek philosopher wrote, “A story that is whole has a beginning, middle and an end … It is necessary that a well-constructed tale does not begin or just end anywhere...

Video: Think Before You Say No

It was the last thing I expected.An email from the producer of TRT World’s Nexus online international news program. He asked if I would do a Skype interview analyzing the body language of world leaders at the G20 Summit.I swallowed hard. My approach to body language...

Stop Being a Narrator!

We’ve all heard someone tell a story that included, “Then I did this … and then this happened … and next we …”Depending upon the situation, we stifled our yawns and controlled our eye rolls – or didn’t.Read this: so you’ll never do that again!Chances are good that at...